Wednesday, May 30, 2012


At the outset, let me just say that the recent myriad of requests for me to join Facebook has been astounding! :) I'm touched and honored that so many of you have expressed the desire to keep up with me and all our new adventures. In a way, this blog will serve as the answer to your questions. While I have nothing against Facebook itself, I recognize the temptation it would represent for me during a season when I am striving to set and keep priorities, especially when it comes to how I'm spending my time. That being said, I thought perhaps a blog where I can post pictures and write about my newlywed nest would be the best way to keep up with you all!

Have you ever had the experience of packing your entire life into the back of a moving truck and going from one existence to something completely and utterly different? I must say, my mind and body are still reeling, and I'm sure it will take me some months yet to take in all these changes. I still can't get over the feeling that I'm playing house, the way I used to when I was a little girl. However, this time there are real dishes and cleaning and bills and dryers that don't work (moral of that story: always clean out your lint trap! We found enough lint clogging the line to choke a horse!). Even though I'm still having a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that all this is for real, I've still been amazed at how smoothly everything has gone, from the move itself, to unpacking, to settling in. My sweet husband has been a wonder through it all - running errands, making me laugh when I'm homesick, leaving notes for me to find the first day he went back to work, and making me waffles and coffee for breakfast! It's a bit of an adjustment for me being home alone during the day now, but I have plenty to keep me busy. The first major grocery shopping trip is planned for tomorrow and there's still lots to do at the apartment. I've had many requests for pictures, which I'll happily supply, just as soon as I've cleared more of the clutter and dressed up my walls! In the meantime, here are just a few of my favorite things about our new home...

Welcome to the neighborhood!

Our beautiful clubhouse and pool

This place was built the same year that I was born, 
but the maintenance team does an impeccable job!

Lots of pretty trees, ponds and fountains

My view from the kitchen

Our cast iron tea set! Thanks, Aunt Dawn...

Need I say more?

My Henckel knife set - a little slice of heaven! :)

My dining room chairs - 
complements of Mr. Blackwood's fabulous taste!

Who doesn't enjoy Billy Joel on vinyl?

It looks like a pocket watch!

Living room coziness...

My luxurious master bath towels!
It's like drying off with a cloud... :)

12 pillows on our bed altogether...
I was going for Princess & the Pea feel!

Target price: $32.00 
Got it at Goodwill for $12 - hello!

Perfect for morning coffee or a chat when you come to visit!